The beauty about jeans is the older they get, the better they get, but eventually the time to buy a new pair will arrive. I recently had a look at the labels of designer and non-designer jeans sold in local retailers and could not find a single pair 'Made in South Africa'. I then learned that there is a Levi factory in South Africa (find out more here: Okay, so the company isn't South African and the material doesn't come from South Africa, but at least the jeans are made in South Africa. If anyone knows of jeans made from SA material and manufactured locally, please let us know so that we can support! Be warned, when shopping for Levi jeans, remember to check the label. Major retailers get stock from the local Levi factory and from abroad so be certain you buy the one labelled "Made in South Africa"! :)
UPDATE: I have struggled to find ladies Levis jeans made in sa and have even enquired at Levis outlets. It seems most of the jeans the local factory makes is for men. I was told that this is changing, but who knows.
REPUBLIC 8 JEANS - Check out this local company selling jeans 'Made in SA'. Again, fabric is imported, but at least they are made locally.
The local Levis factory is now turning out ladies denims! I found several pairs 'made in sa' at my local Edgars (May 2012).